Join the Stuvia team

Stuvia is an international platform for anyone who wants to buy or sell knowledge. Together we ensure that the whole world has access to knowledge in a faster, smarter and more efficient way.

What makes us special?

🙌   Freedom and trust
At Stuvia, having freedom is paramount. For example, we leave you free to make the right choices during your work in terms of content, but you can also expect a lot of freedom in other areas. You get the freedom to do what suits you best. Exercise while working, go for it! Work from the office or rather from your home or somewhere else in the world, it's up to you! As long as you get the best out of yourself, we are behind you.

🌍 Remote working
We have been encouraging remote working for years. For example, Martijn, co-founder of Stuvia, has been living and working in Curaçao (where he moved with his family) since 2017. In 2018, even the entire Stuvia team worked from Bali for three months! In addition, since 2021 we have also been able to add our first 100% remote colleague Nadine to the team. She works entirely from Turkey as a Content Marketer for Stuvia. We don't think it's important where you work, as long as you work from a place that suits you best. 

🚀   Work hard, play hard
Extremely cliché, but we can’t describe it any better. Our office in the heart of Amsterdam provides a space where all colleagues can work hard with the right facilities (good workspace, fast Wi-Fi, etc.) but also to relax or party in between. We have several chill areas, a courtyard garden with a bar, a ping pong table for the enthusiasts and enough space for all of us to have a drink on Fridays.






Product Manager


Business Projects